So Long, Farewell, and Many Thanks for the Racket!


This blog is dedicated to my fabulous folks!

Gather ’round because we’re about to embark on a rollercoaster of emotions – from laughter to nostalgia to sheer excitement. Yep, you guessed it, it’s farewell time! But fear not, this ain’t your average teary-eyed goodbye; we’re going out with a bang!

So, picture this: me, sitting here, trying to put into words just how much you all mean to me. Spoiler alert: it’s a tough task. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being the most kick-ass team a person could ask for. You’ve made every day an adventure, and I couldn’t have asked for better comrades in the battlefield of work.

Now, drumroll, please! Cue confetti I’m stoked to announce that I’m taking on a new gig within Dell Technologies. Yep, you heard it right – your boy is leveling up! But hey, no need for the waterworks just yet; I’ll still be lurking around, causing mischief and spreading good vibes.

Let’s talk gifts, shall we? You lot sure know how to hit the nail on the head. From those heartfelt cards that nearly had me reaching for the tissues to the gifts that screamed “we get you”, you nailed it. And can we talk about the badminton racket and bag? Best. Gift. Ever. You guys really know how to tug at my heartstrings (and sporty tendencies).

Now, onto the part you’ve all been waiting for –

After four and half years of awesome journey, I carry with me cherished memories, invaluable lessons, and the unwavering belief that our paths will cross again. Until then, let’s continue to embrace new challenges, celebrate each other’s successes, and never forget the incredible bond that unites us as a team. To my dear colleagues, thank you for everything. Here’s to new beginnings, endless possibilities, and the journey ahead!

But in all seriousness, Your energy and passion were like the glue that held this motley crew together, and I’m sure you’re gonna miss my dad’s jokes and sage advice (well, most of the time).

As I bid adieu to this ragtag bunch, know that you’ll always hold a special place in my heart – and my inbox. Here’s to new adventures, epic memories, and friendships that will last a lifetime!

With all the love and badminton racket swings & smashes, 🏸

💚 Vinay 💚

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” – Alan Watts

Ace Your Game: How ChatGPT Served Up a Slam Dunk with Badminton Court Booking and Team Attendance App 🤖👨🏾‍💻


Calling all badminton enthusiasts! Get ready to smash your way through the world of court bookings and team attendance like never before 😁 . With the help of ChatGPT 💪, we’ve served up a winning recipe for an ace badminton management system that’s bound to elevate your game!

Continue reading “Ace Your Game: How ChatGPT Served Up a Slam Dunk with Badminton Court Booking and Team Attendance App 🤖👨🏾‍💻”

Embracing Privacy and Full-Control: Hosting Rocket.Chat on K3S with Raspberry Pi for Personal Chat Server 🚀


In today’s digital age, privacy concerns are at the forefront of many discussions. With the increasing centralization of communication platforms, users are seeking alternatives that offer greater control over their data. One such solution is hosting a personal chat server using open-source software like Rocket.Chat, coupled with lightweight infrastructure like Raspberry Pi and Kubernetes (K3S). In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can set up your own private chat server for personal use, empowering you with control over your communication while leveraging the affordability and efficiency of Raspberry Pi and K3S.

Why Host Your Own Chat Server?

Privacy-conscious individuals often seek alternatives to mainstream chat platforms to regain control over their data. By hosting your own chat server, you eliminate reliance on third-party services, thereby reducing the risk of data breaches and surveillance. Additionally, self-hosted solutions offer customization options, ensuring that your communication environment aligns with your specific needs and preferences.

Introducing Rocket.Chat

Rocket.Chat is an open-source communication platform that provides features similar to popular messaging applications, including real-time messaging, file sharing, voice and video calls, and more. What sets Rocket.Chat apart is its self-hosting capability, enabling users to deploy it on their own servers and retain full control over their data.

Leveraging Raspberry Pi and K3S

Raspberry Pi, a low-cost, single-board computer, has gained popularity for its versatility and affordability. Check out my other blogs on Pi. Combined with K3S, a lightweight Kubernetes distribution designed for resource-constrained environments, Raspberry Pi becomes a viable option for hosting various applications, including Rocket.Chat.

Setting Up Your Personal Chat Server

1. Hardware Requirements:

  • Raspberry Pi (preferably Raspberry Pi 4 for better performance)
  • MicroSD card (16GB or higher recommended)
  • Power supply
  • Ethernet cable or Wi-Fi dongle for network connectivity
  • Follow this blog for step by step multi-master K3S node’s cluster setup

2. Software Requirements:

  • Raspbian OS installed on the Raspberry Pi
  • K3S installed on the Raspberry Pi (follow K3S installation instructions for ARM architecture)
  • Docker installed on the Raspberry Pi

3. Installing Rocket.Chat:

  • Deploy Rocket.Chat as a Docker container on the K3S cluster. You can use Helm charts for simplified deployment and management.
    • Follow this link for step-by-step documentation from Rocket.Chat

4. Configuring Rocket.Chat:

  • Set up user accounts, channels, and permissions according to your preferences.
  • Configure SSL/TLS certificates for secure communication (consider using Let’s Encrypt for automated certificate management using cert-manager).
  • After installing Rocket.Chat, completing the setup wizard and configuring Letsencrypt; Web UI may take a really long time to load in a web browser however it works absolutely fine on mobile or desktop apps. In such cases delete the Rocket.Chat pod and the deployment recreates the pod. This should solve the meteor framework-related JS load issues in all modern web browsers and should load the web UI immediately.
Notice the ‘AGE’ of Rocket.Chat Pod in comparison with Postgres and MongoDB pods

5. Accessing Your Chat Server:

  • Once configured, access your Rocket.Chat instance through a web browser or dedicated desktop/mobile client applications.
  • Ensure proper firewall configuration and port forwarding for external access if needed.
Rocket.Chat Home
Rocket.Cat Bot

Benefits of Self-Hosting Rocket.Chat on Raspberry Pi with K3S: 🚀

  1. Privacy and Control: By hosting your chat server, you retain full control over your data, ensuring privacy and security. 12M+ users in 150 countries choose this platform to bring data protection into every conversation.
  2. Cost-Efficiency: Raspberry Pi offers a cost-effective solution for hosting applications, significantly reducing operational expenses compared to cloud-based services.
  3. Customization: Tailor your chat environment to suit your needs, with options for integrating additional features, AI bots, and extensions.
  4. Learning Experience: Setting up and managing your own server provides valuable learning opportunities in Kubernetes cluster administration and container orchestration.

If you enjoyed this post, I’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to a friend or sharing it on X or other social media platforms. Thank you!

What am I missing here? Let me know in the comments and I’ll add it in! OR tweet it to me @babvin

Embracing the Radiant Spirit: Celebrating Rathasapthami


Rathasapthami, an auspicious festival in Hindu tradition, celebrates the glory of the Sun God, Surya. Observed on the seventh day (Saptami) in the bright half of the Hindu lunar month of Magha maasa, this festival marks the transition of the Sun’s journey towards the northern hemisphere. It’s a time of spiritual significance and cultural reverence, where devotees express gratitude for the life-giving energy of the Sun.

I found the below tweet by Aparna very useful where Vinay (not me 🙂 has shed some light on the God of Light!

The Significant connection between the Sun and the number Seven:

The Significance of Rathasapthami:

Rathasapthami holds profound symbolic meaning. “Ratha” refers to the Sun’s chariot which has seven horses, and “Sapthami” signifies the seventh day. It is believed that on this day, the Sun God embarks on his journey in a chariot drawn by seven horses, symbolizing the seven days of the week. The movement of the Sun towards the north symbolizes the onset of longer days, warmer weather, and the rejuvenation of nature.

The Spiritual Essence of Rathasapthami:

Rathasapthami is not merely a festival of rituals; it is a spiritual journey that seeks to awaken our inner light. The Sun is not only a celestial body but also a symbol of consciousness and enlightenment. As we honor Surya, we are reminded of the divine light that exists within each of us. It’s a time to reflect on our own journey, to dispel the darkness of ignorance, and to embrace the warmth of spiritual wisdom.

The Significance of Surya Namaskara:

Surya Namaskara, or Sun Salutation, is a sequence of yoga asanas (postures) performed in a rhythmic manner, salutations to the Sun. Each posture in the sequence is synchronized with the breath, creating a harmonious flow of movement that energizes the body and uplifts the spirit. The practice of Surya Namaskara is not only a physical exercise but also a profound spiritual discipline that aligns the practitioner with the solar energy, symbolized by the Sun.

Performing 108 Surya Namaskara on Rathasapthami:

On the auspicious day of Rathasapthami, many devotees undertake the challenge of performing 108 rounds of Surya Namaskara as an act of devotion and penance. The number 108 holds special significance in Hinduism, representing the wholeness of existence and the ultimate reality. By performing 108 Surya Namaskara, practitioners aim to purify the body, mind, and soul, and to express gratitude for the life-giving energy of the Sun.

Benefits of 108 Surya Namaskara:

The practice of 108 Surya Namaskara offers numerous physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. It enhances flexibility, strengthens muscles, improves circulation, and detoxifies the body. On a mental level, it promotes concentration, clarity, and emotional balance. Spiritually, it fosters a deep sense of connection with the cosmic energy, leading to inner peace and self-realization.

Surya Namaskara Stotra:

Hirnmayena paatrena sathyasyapihitham mukham |
Thathvam pooshanyapavruno sathya dharmaya drishtaye||
Akala mrathyu haranam sarvavyadhi nivaaranam | samastha dhurithopashamanam shree surya paadodakam theertham jathare dhaarayamyaham||

12 Surya Namaskar Mantras along with Yoga Poses

Performing 108 Surya Namaskara on Rathasapthami is not merely a physical exercise but a profound spiritual journey that connects us with the divine essence of the Sun. As we move through the sequence of asanas, let us immerse ourselves in the radiant energy of Surya, drawing inspiration, vitality, and wisdom. May this sacred practice illuminate our path, guiding us towards spiritual awakening and self-discovery.

On this Rathasapthami, let us embrace the transformative power of 108 Surya Namaskara and bask in the radiance of the Sun God, Surya.

Here are some of the pics taken from today’s celebrations and 108 Surya Namaskara performed by the Navabharathi Yoga team under the guidance of Bharathi Hegde Ma’am.

I hope the above seven lists of brief explanations summarize the importance of the festival Rathasapthami. Feel free to share your views in the below comments. Thanks for stopping by have a great day!

References and Gratitude:

Bharati Hegde – The Multi-Talented Artist and The Certified Yoga Instructor


Ansible :: Create Users and set Unique Password for each user

In my previous blog, we learned about how to create multiple users with same password. One of the comments was how to create multiple users with unique passwords. Here is the playbook.






- name: Create New Users
  hosts: all
  become: true
  gather_facts: false
    - pass.yml
    - users.yml
    - salts.yml
    - name: Create Users, Home Directory and add to groups 
        name: "{{ item.0 }}"
        password: "{{ item.1 | password_hash('sha512', item.2) }}"
        shell: /bin/bash
        system: no
        state: present
        createhome: yes
        append: yes
        home: "/home/{{ item.0 }}"
        generate_ssh_key: yes
        ssh_key_bits: 2048
        ssh_key_file: .ssh/id_rsa
        update_password: on_create
      loop: "{{ names | zip(passwords,salts) | list }}"
      register: user_status
    - name:
      shell: chage -d 0 "{{ item }}"
        - "{{ names }}"
      when: user_status.changed


  - "tastysalt"
  - "saltytaste"
  - "Lesssalt"

ansible-vault create pass.yml enter vault password and confirm vault password

  - "iLuvLin_23"
  - "iLuvLin_24"
  - "iLunLin_25"

save and exit the file (:wq)


  - "sadguru"
  - "srisri"
  - "ggd"

Output for localhost only

newgrad23:~/playbooks/add_users # ansible-playbook -c local add_users_pwd.yml --ask-vault-pass
Vault password: 
[WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that the implicit localhost does not match 'all'

PLAY [Create New Users] *********************************************************************************************************
TASK [Create Users, Home Directory and add to groups] ***************************************************************************changed: [localhost] => (item=['sadguru', 'iLuvLin_23', 'tastysalt'])
changed: [localhost] => (item=['srisri', 'iLuvLin_24', 'saltytaste'])
changed: [localhost] => (item=['ggd', 'iLunLin_25', 'Lesssalt'])

TASK [shell] ********************************************************************************************************************changed: [localhost] => changed: [localhost] =>(item=sadguru)
changed: [localhost] => (item=srisri)
changed: [localhost] => (item=ggd)

PLAY RECAP **********************************************************************************************************************localhost                  : ok=3    changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0 

Hope you’ve followed all the steps and able to create multiple users using Ansible automation.

If you enjoyed this post, I’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to a friend or sharing it on and other social platforms. Thank you!

What am I missing here? Let me know in the comments and I’ll add it in!



RACKS – Run All Commands of Kubectl using Slack

Access and manage your Kubernetes Cluster from anywhere using Slack like the above screenshot. Isn’t it amazing to quickly check the status of your Kubernetes cluster’s health, quickly manipulate running config over the weekends when you are On-Call and so on!

Continue reading “RACKS – Run All Commands of Kubectl using Slack”

Jinja2 template to create targets.json

From the Prometheus documentation


File-based service discovery provides a more generic way to configure static targets and serves as an interface to plug in custom service discovery mechanisms.

It reads a set of files containing a list of zero or more <static_config>s. Changes to all defined files are detected via disk watches and applied immediately. Files may be provided in YAML or JSON format. Only changes resulting in well-formed target groups are applied.

Files must contain a list of static configs, using these formats:


    "targets": [ "<host>", ... ],
    "labels": {
      "<labelname>": "<labelvalue>", ...
Continue reading “Jinja2 template to create targets.json”

Monitoring a bunch of Raspberry Pi’s using Prometheus, Loki & Grafana

Why Monitoring & Observability is so critical?

  1. Proactive detection of errors or abnormalities well ahead of creating an outage/critical situation
  2. Collect key metrics and data on all types of system capacity and performance
  3. Effective implementation of blameless post mortems through traceability and AI-ML-based analysis
  4. Improve DevOps adoption by building better observability features for CI/CD(CD) workflows
  5. Ensure error-free quality reports and insights for businesses and leaders to take better decisions
Continue reading “Monitoring a bunch of Raspberry Pi’s using Prometheus, Loki & Grafana”

Containerized Samba Active Directory Domain Controller with EFK Stack for audit


Samba is an Open Source / Free Software suite that has, since 1992, provided file and print services to all manner of SMB/CIFS clients, including the numerous versions of Microsoft Windows operating systems. Samba is freely available under the GNU General Public License.

Continue reading “Containerized Samba Active Directory Domain Controller with EFK Stack for audit”

WordPress 6.x on Kubernetes – Error establishing a database connection


After deploying the WordPress on Kubernetes, if you see the above error when you hit the URI, then you’re not alone my friend! I hit the same dead end while trying to setup my blog site on the self-hosted K3S Cluster. Why this happened even when all the steps are followed as per the documentation?

Continue reading “WordPress 6.x on Kubernetes – Error establishing a database connection”

Configure iSCSI target for ContainerD storage for K3S Cluster on Raspberry Pi 4


In my previous blog we removed SD cards from Raspberry Pi’s running with K3S Kubernetes cluster and replaced them with PXE network boot and NFS tmpfs filesystem. Though it was successful there was a lot of ContainerCreatingError’s with Context Deadline Exceeded errors. It was mainly due to the limitation of Raspberry Pi’s network configuration of not supporting Jumbo frames by default. Due to this, NFS performance was limited and IO wait was very high.

Continue reading “Configure iSCSI target for ContainerD storage for K3S Cluster on Raspberry Pi 4”

Agile is Fragile, handle with CARE


Before we start to know whether the title of this blog makes sense or not. Let’s start with Why Agile?

Agile is the movement that started to embrace change. Change starts by replacing

“We give up too easily. With a simple change of attitude, what seem like insurmountable obstacles become once-in-a-lifetime opportunities”. This quote is from the book Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday.  Agile Values and Principles help to achieve milestones with minimal iterations, and can easily adapt to the constant changes. Although Agile is most widely used in software development, it is very relevant to other domains/industries as well like real estate, healthcare, logistics, media, etc…Now we know that Agile is not a framework or a methodology but a set of 4 Values and 12 Principles defined by a group of people in the 1990s.


Agile is FR-Agile for the organizations because Agile is not Agile when it comes to implementing the values and principles across the board. It requires one of the critical investments from the Leaders which is Mindset. A consistent top-down approach to promoting and rolling out AGILE-based ‘micro changes’ in the organization one business unit at a time is crucial. This way instead of doing big-bang changes ending with futile results; micro-changes help to adapt AGILE swiftly with a clear path to success and a high level of control. “All big things come from small beginnings. The seed of every habit is a single, tiny decision. But as that decision is repeated, a habit sprouts and grows stronger. Roots entrench themselves and branches grow. The task of breaking a bad habit is like uprooting a powerful oak within us. And the task of building a good habit is like cultivating a delicate flower one day at a time.” This quote is from the book Atomic Habits by James Clear.


It is FR-Agile if organizations don’t implement it properly which prevents velocity and creativity. Also impacts the outcome of products or services due to siloed approach and differences in priorities between the teams who have to perform their own set of tasks or steps. Automation is a concept rather than a single application. It supports a variety of use cases from all aspects and roles in Agile.  To implement automated processes within your organization, think of a single musician. They can play anywhere, and it doesn’t require much coordination. Now, think of an orchestra. Things are getting more complicated. You need someone to make sure each musician plays their part at the right time. You need to put them in order to avoid chaos, and the same logic applies when orchestrating automated tasks. AGILE provide teams with the freedom and flexibility to do their best and most innovative work by removing monotonous and mundane tasks. “Scrum without automation is like driving a sports car on a dirt track – you won’t experience the full potential, you will get frustrated, and you will probably end up blaming the car…”Ilan Goldstein


Sadhguru quotes “Reactivity is enslavement, Responsibility is freedom”. Agile is FR-Agile when the leaders begin transforming the organization without transforming themselves. Agile clicks when leaders share the right inclusive mindset to architect and co-create a transformation journey beginning with Culture. Leaders should be taking an outcome-based approach, rather than practice-driven, focusing activity on results rather than just “doing” Agile. Agile accelerates the pace of business processes from decision-making to communication to products or services transformation to delivery. Resistance and chaos in employees to accept Agile might retard growth further until the learning curve ends. Once the integration is complete and teams truly practice AGILE using available frameworks like SCRUM, XP, Kanban, etc… Leaders can accelerate and adapt to Agile across the organization which naturally becomes the new status quo. “Success today requires the agility and drive to constantly rethink reinvigorate, react and reinvent” – Bill Gates.


Agile is FR-Agile when autocratic leaders like in the old school want to build their empire with meticulous attention to every detail utterly fail in AGILE adoption. Those leaders are renowned for being a perfectionist and demand the same of those who work for them should not think about AGILE. Leaders should focus on setting strategic direction based on insights while ensuring structures are in place to keep gathering and assimilating product insights. Organizing teams so that each is empowered to pursue key problems by staffing, skilling, and coaching teams on Purpose, Process, and Technology. When team members are empowered they will have a heightened focus on customers by solving business problems. Leaders become great not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.

Successful organizations offer great products and services that delight their customers. Systems design tells us to build with the customer in mind, to work with them closely, to build in small increments, and then seek feedback, so that we better understand what will actually delight them. As disciplined leaders, we embrace change because we know that our stakeholders will change their minds as they learn what they truly want as the solution evolves. “It’s the agile leader’s job to create an environment in which people and teams grow, work together, laugh, build trust, and feel proud on the things they do for their customers.” –

Benefits for the customer


An Agile transformation benefits are many as listed below. Any enterprise‑wide transformation needs to be both comprehensive and iterative. It needs to touch every part of the business, from culture, purpose, strategy, structure, people, process, and technology. Leaders with an Agile mindset, have to be prepared and really expect that not everything will be planned upfront. It will be an evolving process that will most likely take years, not weeks or months, to complete. I don’t say this to discourage you, but rather to prepare you. An Agile transformation is disruptive and potentially stressful, but the benefits are clear. You’ll energize the business by empowering employees to be more creative and innovative. You’re going to see performance improvements. It will enhance growth and profitability, and maybe, more importantly, increases both customer and employee net promoter scores.

Thank you so much for stopping by, and I hope you may like the below-suggested blogs as well. If you enjoyed this post, I’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to a friend or sharing it on your social platforms.

Consistency is what transforms average into Excellence

Today is the end of the first month of 2024! So soon isn’t it? This blog is a checkpoint for New Year resolutions and new goals 🚀🚀🚀

I was thinking about what should be the title of this blog for the entire day. While chatting with my neighbor & a good friend, she shared pics of her son’s birthday and found the above-titled quote on the birthday boy’s T-shirt! Yet another example is that we get inspiration to do the right task from so many ways and sources. 🎉

Many happy returns of the day, Happy Birthday Rehansh!

Now, let’s come back to the New Year resolutions and new goals that I started off at the beginning of this year.

I was inspired by one of the LinkedIn posts of Bhavna Toor and adopted her 21 habits tracker {with a bit of variations to suit my needs} and the results are quite impressive and made me awestruck by the multitude of changes in me. I’ve realized that consistency is the solid foundation for “Progress“, “Performing Better WorkLife“, “Getting in Shape“, “Continuous Learning“, “Love for Repetitions” and finally “Self-Love“. 💪🙌👌

I thought I’d never play badminton again and was all set to hang my boots. However, after following a 1% improvement as mentioned in the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. I’m playing regularly these days and I love my team! By the way, it was not easy, it was painful in the beginning, especially with an ACL slit, a Meniscus tear with a Grade 3 injury! Thanks to the Habit Tracker and Consistent Mindset. 💪🏸💚

Vinay’s Habit Tracker 2024
Habit Tracker 2024
MonthJan Success %Feb Success %
Yoga + Meditate7462.06
Read + Learn9475.86
Deep Work4882.75
Top 3 Goals8482.75
Worst First9796.55
Consistent Pauses9177.82
Cold Showers9065.51
Mindful Eating8479.31
Mindful Walking10075.86
Family Time9062.1
Plan Ahead100100
SM Free Night9779.31
Habits Success Rate

I also do this manually like Bhavna, however with my PA who is my younger daughter Disha 🥰 who loves to tick & cross, show off her highlighting skills, with a sad face. She’s compassionate and says don’t you can do it tomorrow if I fail to complete the habit. Finally, she evaluates everything and signs like a teacher at the end of every week! You can see “Good Job” in the lower left corner. 👩‍🏫

As you can see in the above pic there are a few days in a week when I tick all habits. For most of the days when I don’t tick all habits, I realized that individual failures have little impact on your long-term success, and then you can more easily rebound from failures and setbacks. 

I can now clearly see the habits to be consistent by avoiding the Monkey=MobilePhone during the Work/DeepWork. 🙏

Being Consistent helped me get back on track when I got off course!

Dear Guruji/Gurus/Coaches/Mentors 🌞,

As I take a moment to reflect on my journey of Jan 2024, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the invaluable role you have played in shaping my life. Your guidance and teachings have been a beacon of light, steering me through both challenges and triumphs.

Thank you for imparting not only knowledge but also wisdom, for instilling in me a love for learning, and for being a source of inspiration. Your dedication to your craft has left an indelible mark on my mind, and I carry the lessons learned under your tutelage with me every day. 🙏🤗

To my dear family 🏠,

Your unwavering support has been the bedrock of my existence. Through thick and thin, you have stood by me, offering love, encouragement, and understanding. Your sacrifices and selflessness have paved the way for my growth, and I am profoundly grateful for the foundation you’ve provided. 🙏🤗

To my friends/well-wishers 😇,

Your encouragement has been a constant motivator. Your words of encouragement and belief in my abilities have fueled my determination. In moments of doubt, your support has been a reminder that I am not alone on this journey, and for that, I am sincerely thankful. 🙏🤗

Collectively, you have all played an integral role in my personal and professional development. As I navigate the intricate tapestry of life, I carry the lessons, values, and love instilled by each one of you. Your influence continues to shape my character, and for that, I am forever grateful.

In expressing my gratitude, I also commit to paying it forward, striving to make a positive impact on others, just as you have done for me. May your kindness and wisdom continue to ripple through the lives of many. 🙏🙏🙏

UPDATE: My elder daughter Saanvi joined the party 🎉by helping me and Disha to update the tracker, and calculate the success days and success rate. This influenced her to start tracking her habits and journaling! I’m very proud of them 👭

Learning journey in JavaScript and Full-Stack development :: MERN

I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season filled with joy and relaxation. 🎄✨ Now, I’m excited to dive back into work with renewed energy and fresh perspectives! 💼💪

During the break, I just wrapped up an intensive dive into the world of JavaScript and Full Stack Development during the holiday season. I’m thrilled to share my key takeaways with the amazing followers and folks around the World! 🌐💻

🔍 Learnings:

  1. Acquired the intricacies of JavaScript, from basic syntax to advanced concepts, and unleashed the power of MERN stack development 💡
  2. Exploring front-end technologies like React for dynamic and responsive user interfaces. 🚀
  3. Navigated through back-end development using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. 🖥️📊
  4. Embraced the power of full-stack development to seamlessly connect front and back-end components. 🌐
  5. VSCode is an excellent IDE not only for JS but also for Golang, Python, et al. It also has integrations for Docker and Kubernetes where we can build images, and create deployment files by a click of a button! 📚

🌱 Key Lessons:

  • Continuous learning is the backbone of growth in the tech space. 📚
  • Hands-on projects and real-world applications are the best teachers. 💼
  • Collaboration and networking open doors to endless opportunities. 🌐
  • Overcame challenges, embraced the power of debugging, and celebrated the tiny victories along the way! 🎉

Grateful for the amazing online resources, tutorials, and the supportive developer community. Especially #Google Baba and #StackOverflow Maa!🌐👩‍💻

👩‍💻 Next Steps: Eager to apply my skills to real-world projects and contribute to innovative solutions in 2024! 📆 Open to connecting with fellow enthusiasts, mentors, and professionals in the field. Let’s collaborate and create something amazing together! 🤝

💙 Gratitude and References 💚:

Udemy :: “Learn JavaScript: Full-Stack from Scratch” by Brad Schiff. Thanks a ton to Brad for your teachings.

#JavaScript #FullStackDevelopment #WebDevelopment #TechEnthusiast #ContinuousLearning #ExpressJS #Docker #Kubernetes #K3S

Github Repo:

Cloud Hosted Link:

Self-Hosted on K8S Link:

If you enjoyed this post, I’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to a friend or sharing it on and other social platforms. Thank you!

What should I be learning alongside ReactJS? Let me know in the comments for me to review and peruse!

Be Thankful 🙏

Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire.

If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don’t know something.

For it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times,

 during those times you grow.

 Be thankful for your limitations.

Because they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for each new challenge.

Because it will build your strength and character.

Be thankful for getting dumped.

Love never fails, Like the Sun never fails to rise.

 Be thankful for your mistakes.

 They will teach you valuable lessons.

 Be thankful when you are tired and weary.

 Because it means you have made a difference.

 It is easy to be thankful for the good things.

 A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also

thankful for the setbacks.

~ Unknown

“Success is determined by how you handle setbacks”

Team Anti Patterns

 An anti-pattern is a behavior, process, or habit that seems to help a team but actually leads to negative outcomes. They are often well-intentioned but end up undermining the goals they were intended to achieve

Organizations must design Teams intentionally by asking these questions. Given our skills, constraints, and cultural and engineering maturity. Design, software, architecture, and business goals Which topology will help us deliver results faster and safer? How can we? Reduce or avoid handovers between teams in the main flow of change. Where should the boundaries be in the software system to preserve system viability and encourage continuous flow? How can our teams align to that?

Squads and Tribes Anti-Patterns

Spotify provides a good example of explicit organizational design to improve the effectiveness of software delivery and operations, as described by Henrik Kniberg and Anders Ivarsson in their 2012 blog post, “Scaling Agile at Spotify”, known as The Spotify Model, technical staff at Spotify are arranged into small autonomous cross-functional squads, each with a long-term mission and comprised of around 5 to 9 people. Several squads that work in similar areas are collected into a tribe, a sort of affinity grouping of Squads. The squads within a tribe are familiar with the bulk of other squads and coordinate inside the tribe.

Many organizations have mistakenly copied the Spotify model without understanding the underlying purpose, culture, diversity dynamics, or trajectory of this Spotify team arrangement. As Kniberg and Ivarsson clearly state in their post “We didn’t invent this model. Spotify is (like any good agile company) evolving fast. This article is only a snapshot of our current. Way of working a journey in progress, not a journey completed.”

Similarly. The other common anti-pattern is shuffling team members quite frequently. This leads to an extremely volatile team assembled on a project basis and disassembled immediately afterward, perhaps leaving one or two engineers behind to handle the “hardening” and maintenance phases of the applications. While there is a sense of higher flexibility and a perceived ability to respond faster to deadlines, the cost of forming new teams and switching contexts repeatedly gets overlooked (or is unconsciously factored in the project estimates).  A computer will perform the same whether it is placed in room A or room B. However an engineer placed on Team A may perform very differently than if placed on Team B.

Organizations must take into account more than a static placement of people when looking at the design of team interactions.

List of Patterns and Anti-Patterns

Focus on OutcomesDoing an Agile Transformation
Start with Why; Empower the HowUsing Old Ways of Thinking to New Ways of Working
Achieve Big Through SmallThe Bigger the Capital “T” Transformation, the Bigger the Change Curve
Descale Before you ScaleScaling Agile before Descaling Work
Scale Agility, not Agile, Vertically then SidewaysGrass Roots Hits a Grass Ceiling
Not one size fits allOne Size Fits All
Invite over InflictInflict over Invite
Leaders Go FirstDo as I say, not as I do
Psychological SafetyPsychological unsafe
Emergent Mindset with Servant LeadershipDeterministic Mindset
Optimize for Fast End-to-End FlowLocal Optimization
Outcome HypothesisMilestone-driven Predicted solutions
Intelligent FlowHeadless Chicken
Stop Starting, Start FinishingStart Starting
Safety within SafetyLack of Safety within Safety
Organize Safety by Value StreamRole-Based Safety Silos
Intelligent ControlFixed Mindset to Risk
Go Slower to Go FasterGoing Faster Leads to Going Slower
Continuous Technical ExcellenceAgile Hollow Shell
Architect and Organize for FlowMisalignment of Teams and Architecture
Smart People and Smart Teams with Robot FriendsTools Over People
Optimize for LearningInformation and Learning Silos
Nested Learning with Built-in Feedback LoopsOutput over Outcomes
Communicate, Communicate, CommunicateThe Bubble Effect
Be Comfortable with UncertaintyApplying a Deterministic Approach to an Emergent Domain
Measure for LearningWeaponized Metrics

Team anti-patterns can occur at any stage of the process. Often, they’re caused by short-term thinking but by implementing some changes in your methodologies and building a long-term vision for the project’s success, we can overcome them. In this process, a vigilant Scrum Master, and effective scrum team members are essential, as they should act as a radar for anti-patterns.

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What am I missing here? Let me know in the comments and I’ll add it in!

References and Gratitude

Team Topologies Book

The Missing 9th Chapter :: Enforcing Implementation of Halal

“Crisp and powerful; a ruthless exposure of monumental follies.” – Meenakshi Jain, Historian

One of the best-selling books of Anand Ranganathan, Hindus in Hindu Rashtra Eighth Class Citizens And Victims Of State-Sanctioned Apartheid has 8 great chapters that enlighten us about the shocking facts and injustice that have happened/happening/happen to our generations in the past/present/future. After reading this book I believe India Bharat is not Secular by any means. The Constitution itself was amended to suit “their” needs. Any so-called secular Hindu who supports the “oldest” party, communist parties, or any other left parties, after reading the 8 chapters would come to the senses and reject the malafide secularism.

“The most beautiful thing about this book is that it has been written in such simple language that makes it relatable to those people who find it difficult to understand the complexity of the law, polity, and serious stuff it tackles.” – Archana

After reading these chapters of the awesome book, In my opinion, there is another chapter that could be included in this book: –

9. Enforcing Implementation of Halal.

The global halal food market reached US$2,221.3 billion in 2022 and is forecast to have an 11.1% growth rate, reaching US$4.1 trillion by 2028.

Halal certification can generate income in multiple ways, both directly and indirectly. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Certification Fees: This is the most direct way halal certification bodies earn income. Companies that wish to obtain a halal certification for their products or services pay fees to the certifying body. These fees can vary based on the size and nature of the product or business. They can be structured as one-time fees, renewal fees, or periodic fees.
  2. Inspection and Auditing Fees: Some certifying bodies charge fees for periodic inspections or audits of facilities to ensure that companies remain compliant with halal standards after receiving their certification.
  3. Training and Consulting Fees: Some halal certifying agencies also provide training or consulting services to companies that want to better understand halal requirements or ensure their internal processes are compliant. For this expert guidance and training, certifying bodies can charge fees.
  4. Licensing of Halal Logo: Once a product or service is certified as halal, it can use the halal certification logo on its packaging or in its marketing. Some certification bodies may charge licensing fees for the use of this logo.
  5. Increased Market Access and Sales for Companies: For businesses, having a halal certification can grant them access to larger markets, particularly in countries where halal products are in high demand. While this is not direct income for the certification bodies, it’s an indirect financial benefit for companies seeking certification. Companies might be more willing to pay for certification (thus generating income for certifiers) knowing the potential market and revenue expansion they could achieve.
  6. Enhanced Brand Trust and Loyalty: For many consumers, especially in Muslim-majority countries, halal certification is an assurance of quality and adherence to religious dietary laws. Products and services that carry this certification are often seen as more trustworthy, which can lead to increased brand loyalty and sales. Again, while this is a benefit for businesses, it’s a reason they might be willing to invest in certification.
  7. Partnerships and Collaborations: Certification bodies might collaborate with other organizations, institutions, or government bodies for various projects or initiatives related to halal industry development, for which they might receive funding or grants.

To sum up, while the direct income for halal certification bodies comes from fees associated with certification, inspections, training, and licensing, the indirect economic benefits are largely enjoyed by the companies that obtain the certification, as they can tap into larger markets and build trust with their consumer base.

It’s important to note that the income generated by halal certification bodies is typically reinvested to maintain and improve certification processes, ensure the integrity of the certification, and promote the adoption of halal standards. This helps build trust among consumers and businesses, contributing to the continued growth of the halal industry and the betterment of religious practices since these are controlled by the “Trusts” and “Organizations” of the respective religion.

there are many Shariah-compliant stocks listed on the Indian stock exchange, which creates an opportunity for Muslim investors to diversify their investments. According to the data analyzed by Musaffa, 35% of Indian stocks are Shariah-Compliant. We listed down the 15 Halal stocks in India based on their market cap;

The current Government’s Commerce Ministry issues draft guidelines for certification of halal meat products. There is no difference between the oldest party and the ruling party when it comes to appeasement. Halal is a sobering reminder that the enemy is not transparent. The tyrants like Mahmud Ghaznavi who looted in India Bharat have not ended up looting the wealth yet; they have simply changed tactics. Many of the “Trusts”, “Political Parties” and “Organizations” are now waging a war of attrition against Hindus by means of financial terrorism and becoming funding harbors for various institutions that are trying their best to outnumber Hindus in India Bharat.

Why does Anand sir have to add this 9th Chapter? 🙂

I request to include this missing chapter with furthermore research and brevity on the subject. I also know Anand sir is a Darwinian Athiest (Proud Civilizational Hindu) however number 9 is considered sacred in our Sanathana Dharma. It is associated with completion, perfection, and spiritual enlightenment.

  • Brahma: The number 9 is associated with Brahma, the Hindu god of creation. Brahma is said to have created the universe in 9 days.
  • Navaratri: Navaratri is a Hindu festival that celebrates the victory of good over evil. The festival is celebrated for 9 days, and each day is dedicated to a different form of Durga, the Hindu goddess of power.
  • Navagrahas: The Navagrahas are the 9 planets in Hindu astrology. They are said to have a significant impact on human life.
  • Yantras: Yantras are geometric diagrams that are used in Hindu worship. They are often composed of 9 squares or triangles.
  • Mantras: Mantras are sacred syllables or phrases that are used in Hindu meditation and worship. Many mantras are composed of 9 syllables.

If you are a Hindu, you may find that the number 9 has a special significance in your life and this book as well 🙂

Image Credits, References, Credits and Gratitude:

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Disclaimer: All views are my own except those that I have subconsciously inherited from my parents and those that I have learned from genius teachers, orators, and masters like Anand Ranganathan sir et al.